If you’re looking for a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Mulshi is your perfect getaway. Nestled amidst the Sahyadri ranges, this picturesque location offers a serene environment, lush greenery, and a refreshing atmosphere. Whether you’re planning a family outing, a day with friends, or a solo retreat, Mulshi has something for everyone. Here’s a guide to help you plan the perfect one-day picnic near Mulshi.

Getting There

Mulshi is easily accessible from Pune and Mumbai. Here’s how you can reach:

  • From Pune: One Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi Mulshi is about 50 kilometers away and can be reached in approximately 1.5 hours by car.
  • From Mumbai: The distance is around 160 kilometers, and the drive takes about 3.5 to 4 hours.

Public transportation options include buses and taxis, but the most convenient way is by personal or rented vehicle.


Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Mulshi is during the monsoon and winter seasons, from June to February. The monsoon transforms the landscape into a lush green haven, while winter offers pleasant weather, perfect for outdoor activities.

Top Attractions

  1. Mulshi Dam

Mulshi Dam is a popular spot known for its scenic beauty. One Day Picnic Spot Surrounded by the Sahyadri hills, the dam offers stunning views, especially during the monsoon when the water levels are high.

  1. Tamhini Ghat

Tamhini Ghat is famous for its waterfalls, lakes, and dense forests. One-Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi The drive through this ghat is an experience in itself, with panoramic views and numerous spots to stop and enjoy nature.


3. Lavasa

One Day Picnic Spot A short drive from Mulshi, Lavasa is a planned city styled like an Italian town. It offers various recreational activities, eateries, and picturesque spots perfect for a picnic.


  1. Andharban Trail

For the adventure enthusiasts, the Andharban Trail offers a moderate trek through dense forests, offering spectacular views of the valley and waterfalls.

Picnic Essentials

  • Food and Drinks: One Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi Pack enough food and beverages for the day. While there are a few eateries around, carrying your own picnic basket ensures you have your favorite snacks and meals.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes suitable for walking or trekking.
  • First Aid Kit: Always carry a basic first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic cream, and any personal medications.
  • Camera: One Day Picnic Spot Don’t forget your camera or smartphone to capture the beautiful landscapes and memorable moments.

Activities to Enjoy

Nature Walks

Explore the natural beauty of Mulshi with leisurely walks around the dam, ghat, or Lavasa. The fresh air and serene environment are perfect for unwinding.


Mulshi is a photographer’s delight with its stunning landscapes, vibrant flora, and picturesque water bodies. Capture the essence of nature and create lasting memories.

  • Photography: One Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi Mulshi is a photographer’s paradise with its stunning landscapes, vibrant flora, and picturesque water bodies. Capture the essence of nature and create lasting memories.

Sample Itinerary for a One Day Picnic

  1. Morning: Departure
    • Start early from Pune or Mumbai to make the most of your day.
    • Enjoy the scenic drive, especially if you’re traveling through Tamhini Ghat.
  2. Mid-Morning: Mulshi Dam
    • Arrive at Mulshi Dam. One Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi Spend some time taking in the scenic views and clicking photographs.
  3. Late Morning: Tamhini Ghat
    • Drive through Tamhini Ghat, stopping at waterfalls and scenic spots along the way.
  4. Noon: Picnic at Lavasa
    • Head to Lavasa for a picnic lunch. Explore the town, indulge in recreational activities, or simply relax by the lake.
  5. Afternoon: Andharban Trail 
    • One-Day Picnic Spot If you’re up for an adventure, go for a short trek on the Andharban Trail.
    • Alternatively, you can explore more areas around Lavasa or Tamhini Ghat.
  6. Evening: Return Journey One Day Picnic Spot
    • One Day Picnic Spot  Start your return journey, enjoying the scenic drive back to Pune or Mumbai.
    • Optionally, stop at a local eatery for an early dinner before heading home.

Tips for a Great Picnic

  • Check the Weather: Always check the weather forecast before planning your trip.
  • Pack Light: One Day Picnic Spot Carry only essentials to keep your load light and manageable.
  • Leave No Trace: One Day Picnic Spot Ensure you clean up after your picnic, leaving the environment as beautiful as you found it.
One Day Picnic Spot Near Mulshi Mulshi is an excellent choice for a quick getaway, offering a mix of relaxation and adventure. Enjoy your day surrounded by nature, and return rejuvenated from this beautiful escape.